Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Guard your heart & fool-proof your life

As it turns out, today is week one in a six week series that will discuss fool-proofing with Jan Silvious every Wednesday on Mid Day Connection. I am pretty sure you can listen to the programs at your convenience (after they air).

I just listened to the first week/day and was so encouraged. God confirmed my decisions of late and reminded me how much he cares about my struggles. The series is a must if you want to learn more!

Here are a few great points I took away from today's program:

• you cannot be up close with your fool and upclose with God. The fool will likely consume your thoughts and emotions, so understand what to do if you realize this has happened. Go back to God, give over your fool to him, and back away from the fool in order to "guard your heart".

• Think of the analogy of a castle: "The name of the Lord is a strong tower"
Run into Him for refuge from even the fool in your life. So encouraging!

• There is a 6 week Bible study that can be purchased to correlate

Hope you are encouraged today!