Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Time Flies

Time flies.....when you're having fun. And by having fun I mean.....not sleeping, changing diapers, doing laundry, cleaning spit-up, folding laundry, changing another diaper, putting away laundry, burping the baby, changing diapers again, buying more diapers, changing dirty outfits on both baby and Mommy....and the list goes on. But I wouldn't change a thing! Laura Grace is most definitely our Gift from God and I am reminded of that every time I look at her. She is two months old now and has started smiling. Doesn't it get more fun when they look into your eyes and smile back at you! She is growing in length and weight. Her little coos and noises make big brother Eric still refer to her as "Little Precious". Big brother Joel likes to bounce her and sing to her. And I love how it sounds when I say , " I have a daughter."