We are not responsible for the sin committed against us. But God has a plan to use it for good.
Gruesome, evil, ungodly acts are a result of living in a fallen world where people choose to not allow Jesus to sit on the throne of their hearts. Instead, people choose to rebel and make their own path. This affects both themselves and others in their contact.
See the story in Judges 19-20
A man gave his concubine over to evil attackers to avoid being attacked himself. The concubine was beaten, raped and murdered. The husband showed his people what had happened. Everyone who saw it was saying to one another, “Such a thing has never been seen or done, not since the day the Israelites came up out of Egypt. Just imagine! We must do something! So speak up!””
Judges 19:29-30 NIV
This lead to a 3 day war between 2 related Israelite groups.
I love that someone stood up for justice on the woman's behalf. The people knew the good they ought to do and went to work. They didn't sit on their hands. They didn't ignore it and they didn't claim it had nothing to do with them. They went to war to bring the criminals to justice.
I have had people "go to the mat" for me. They entered battle against some of their own church brothers because they knew this girl needed support.
In Judges chapter 20, the Israelites consulted God each day to confirm they should continue in the battle. Some lost their lives, but none lost their determination to do what's right. In the end of the chapter, the good guys won. God used the brave & willing.
I am thankful for those brave people in my life who stood up for justice on my behalf because it was the right thing to do. They made sacrifices, giving up the comforts of peace and ignorance. They got involved in a battle that changed all our lives. And in the end, we were the winners!
Thank you to my husband and the many who were my support, you know who you are!